Come, cherub, come closer tonight;
At those hallowed hours after the beautiful
Night would have spread her dark canopy
Across the face of heaven, Come closer to me.

Come cherub, come closer tonight

When the garrulous nightingale would Be bothering nocturnal beings with the Whelming whistling of her sacred songs, Come closer to me

Come closer tonight, cherub, come closer, When day workers deeply snore
At the heart of night
Under magical spells of heavy dreams, Come closer to me.

Come, cherub, come; come closer tonight
When choirs of frogs with their inner megaphones
Ceaselessly sing choruses on rivers surfaces Till they leap voluntarily into fishermens nets, Come closer to me.

Come cherub, Come closer to me, When timid catfishes and tilapias Boldly swim to rivers edges
To masticate jocund tadpoles, hiding-and-seeking
In strands of spirogyras
And jolly earthworms crawling on solemn sands
Come closer tonight.

Come closer to me, cherub, come; When hungry pythons ambush
On smart trees to jumps suddenly
As rapists on grazing grysbok
And fill their empty tubes
With fresh and straightly stretched
Herbivorous fleshes, Come closer tonight.

Come closer to me, cherub, come; That we may lock with out
This old moon, which monitors our paths With a ceaseless flash of his jealous eyes Come closer to me.

Come cherub, come,
Throw aside your light pajamas and warm yourself
Under my polychromatic elephants skin
Come closer to me tonight.

Come closer tonight, cherub, Come, share the sweet Fragrance of my woody house Come closer to me,
Feel the coolness of my feathered pillow,
Come closer tonight.

Come closer tonight, cherub, come; That we may tutor ourselves Sumptuous secrets of dark night;
Come that we may commune as moderate popes
With magical spirits in our temperate temples; Come closer to me.

Come closer tonight; come,
Let me warm my freezing head
At the hollow pit of your clever cleavage
And entertain my nostrils with
The sweet scents of your soft skin; Come closer to me.

Come closer tonight, cherub, come; Come closer, let me with my soft lips Extract crude oil from your subtle face Come closer to me.

Come closer tonight, cherub, come closer, That I may dive deep and purify my sins
In the saintly mud of your sacred pool; Come closer to me.

Come closer tonight, cherub,
That I may join the chic band of bead
Around your waist, above the span of your hips, And sing holy hymns to your holy hymen.

Before the gentle golden sun Awakes Jonas at bare dawn, Come closer to me.

(Inspired by DoWilliams’ ‘Come a LittlCloser’.) 



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