Over five decades now, Nigerians have been living in a great political dire, without actual changes, the level of poverty increases every day like the wild fire but no government has made their dreams become a reality for the large percentage of the citizens living in the country. There is no how far the snake long, we cannot set fire to it, equally to with its height – only idea is needed to kill the devil. The idea is ‘if money is spent, money will come;’ if citizens are given salary per month, government will also gain more money. How?
With the total population
of 138,283,240 as at 2008, the people, average Nigerian found it difficult to acquire
three square meals per day. Relating to the national income, as at 2012, Nigeria GDP,Purchasing Power Parity, PPP, 3rd largest within
Africa (behind South Africa and Egypt); PPP trebled from $170billion in 2000 to
$451 billion in 2012.
That is the estimate of size of the informal sector (not
included in official figure), put the actual numbers to $630 billion. In
correspond to that, the GDP per capita doubled to an estimated $2,800 per person
in 2012 (with inclusion of hovers around $3,900 per person). With this world
estimation, Nigeria is expected to survive without hiccups.
Every day and night people bites their
fingers, education cries, negligence of citizens towards love for the nation –
causing insecurity to wear outstanding garment each day. This is not even the
issue now, I’m not here to criticize the rulers neither the ruled. But here is
to put an average measure on how Nigerians can survive including the
government. It might look like huge amount if each Nigerian earns N30, 000 per
month as inducement for being the citizen of this country.
Though Nigeria may
not be the richest country in Africa, we need to survive. N30,000 annually (excluded
the annual working salary) is equivalent to $200; if this is deducted from the $2,800
official estimation in 2012 per person , $2,600 (per person as well) remains
for the government to develop the country.
Money is in circulation, if there is money there will be increase
in transaction as well as increase in taxation and no more ‘uh ah!’ to the
government again. Every sector, especially business will experience higher
consumption and people demand for high class of live. If there high class of
lives, the nation will develop and government meets the demands of the people,
people meet the demands of government.
For average Nigerian, who is jobless, thirty-thousand naira
is enough. The one being employed is not expected to feel pain of penury.
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