Opinion: New Dawn of Biafra- by Sakariyau Abdul Azeez

According to Professor Chinua Achebe, "Republic of Biafra took its name from the bight of Biafra, the vast expanse of water covering the continental shelf into which the Niger empties before flowing into the gulf of Biafra." The name and its geographical area had been in existence before the amalgamation in 1914, during the formation of Nigeria. Albeit, it only became famous after the secession of the old Eastern region which Biafran clime was located as the Republic of Biafra by Lieutenant General Odumegu Ojukuwu, the then Governor of the old Eastern region of Nigeria.”

“Buttressing the secession as the consequence of tyranny, injustice, massacre, genocidal pogrom of his people by the Federal military government of Nigeria headed by Lieutenant Yakubu Gowon, but the latter claimed ignorance of the allegations. This declaration gave pregnancy to inexplicable cloud waiting to be delivered. After heterogeneous diplomatic attempts to abort the pregnancy failed woefully, both parties involved, resolved to settle the greatest question of their time by iron and bloody war. After thirty months of battle, Ojukwu renounced the secession due to the mass killings and immense suffering of the Biafrans and admonished the Igbos to despise any force and its repetition in the future.”

  Everyone was glad when the war ended: Biafrans for ameliorating their scorching while Nigerians for sweeping Biafra into a relic of history. Irrespective of Ojukwu's admonitions to avoid the reoccurence of the 1967-1970 catastrophe, the idea of BIAFRA regurgitated and went back into extinction during the President Olusegun Obasanjo administration; due to the complexities which are not the crux of this discussion. Agitation for Biafra Republic later arose a few months after President Muhammad Buhari appointed a segment of his cabinet.

This agitation boomeranged after the arrest and detention of Mr Nnadi Kanu, a Biafran leader and lPOB, by the DSS since his arrival from his tour of Britain. He was alleged to have illegally purchased sophisticated arms to combat the Federal Government of Nigeria which is tantamount to treasonable felony.Some analysts justified the crusade against the agitators for Biafra Republic and unconditional acquittance of Nnadi Kanu and other Biafran prisoners on the basis that all ramifications of trends to disintegrate the Republic of Nigeria should be resisted. While their colleagues faulted the justification, claiming conception of everyone is not negotiable in a democratic setting, that the Biafrans have the right to determine their own future and choices. This is the bedrock of democratic sustainability.

 At this juncture, the chapter of the Nigeria civil war needs to be reopened. Statistically, three millions Igbos lost their lives, majorly offsprings while thousands were mentally deranged due to the trauma of the civil war. One of the bloody horrors in human history. l'm totally convinced that even if the war were fought during a democratic administration, the ethnic cleansing was inevitable because freedom is never given but won. Biafrans should not be deceived into seceding scot- free.  In this democratic era, secession without readiness to resist the gigantic conundrum of Nigeria Government epitomized the invitation of 1967 terror as the guest of honour.

It's conspicuous that the Igbos felt marginalized under the watch of President Buhari but agitation for Biafra Republic "will remain a lofty figment" that "aggravates and not ameliorate the situation."
Will remain a lofty figment

Strategically and diplomatically Biafrans are not prepared for physical war but a manoeuvred peaceful actualization of Biafra. Unaware freedom is demanded with coercion or aware but developing cold feet considering the annihilation they suffered during the civil war. But the truth is that freedom lies in being bold and ready to die for what you believe in.

Besides, the Igbos are politically and ideologically disunited, the second crux of losing the civil war after the shortage of arms. lnternal altercations subverted the actualization of their ideas. Currently, the divergence among the Igbos on the actualization of Biafra Republic is insolubly juxtaposed to the 1967 internal wrangling.

Furthermore, the international community does not really recognise Biafra. International aid is crucial, especially from the super powers of the world. Nothing is unjust where the super powers play their games, even if millions perish. Failure to put these things into order will make Biafra Republic remain an obsessive dream which can't be fulfilled.
That aggravates not ameliorate the situation

During Dr Goodluck Jonathan's administration, the Yorubas felt marginalized but desisted from clamouring for Oduduwa Republic. The Yoruba elite systemized a democratic conspiracy to form a new government to make themselves relevant. If the lgbos truly believe in one Nigeria, they should follow the trend set by the Yorubas if they felt marginalised, instead of instigating embers of secession.

  If the Biafran agitators continue, they will always be seen and treated as rebels by the Federal Government of Nigeria just as many of them were killed and incarcerated unlawfully during President Olusegun Obasanjo administration.


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