If this is what they call heaven 
I'd rather remain in hell!
If this is what they call peace
I'd rather remain in tumour!
If this is what they call love
I'd rather remain in hate!

They said we're in darkness
They offered to give us light 
They said we're in sickness
They offered to give us health
They said we're being looted
They offered to give us wealth

With kisses of promises
They gained our trust
We believed the devil's truth
We followed them like hens
And here we are in heaven

Truth be told
Fire is good
Hell is cooler than heaven
The heat of this heaven 
Is far hotter than that of hell

Oh! I should have known
When they promised heaven on earth
I should have known it's fantasy
The only thing we can have on earth 
Is hell. Heaven is too expensive
To come down on earth

I'm not a pessimist
But I'm a realist
And If I must say the truth
Worst things lies in wait

I'm not a prophet of doom
I live to speak the truth
We all said we want change 
Yet we remain the same
We all want heaven
Yet we do not want to repent

Fat belle men in suits 
Thin legged men in trousers
Bald headed men in sun
Bespectacled men in jeeps
They all chose this fate
They all chose heaven
Heaven hotter than hell

Greedy men of doom!
Because of a penny
You gave away hundreds
You said a bird
At hand is better than hundreds
In the forest
You selfish folks!
You deserve this hell!

Those days you know
You know they're all fables
You know they are stories meant for children
Yet you chose to be fools
You chose to close your eyes
And you said you want heaven now?
Impossibility can never be possible!

Let me drum it in your ears
Let me sing it loud and clear
You have given away your morsel-filled plate
For a spoon of rice
You have chosen "heaven"
Hahaha!...I couldn't help but laugh

More "heavens" lies in the wait
Yes! More sufferings waits at the bay
And it will continue this way
Until you change your ways
Worse and worst it will get
Until you choose "hell"

Choose "hell" today
I pray you all my people
Stop selling our future
For a worthless price
Choose to see beyond today
And make the hard decision

"Hell" is cool
"Fire" is good

The hardest decision is always the best
Choose to change If you want change
Stop trying to change the change
Change yourselves
Change your ways
Change your thinking 
Change your greediness
And the whole world will change

To you who promised us heaven
But gave us one hotter than hell itself
I predict your doom!
Your children shall pay in hundred folds
And your children's children in million folds 
You deserve doom
For you yourselves are Angels of doom

Let's go now to "hell" my people
Let's make the hard decision
Let's not change the change
Let's change our ways
Do not forget, my people
"Hell" is cool; "Fire" is good.



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