SPASM - Akande Iqmat

I want to know you he said,tell me about yourself
With a mind  crossing so many thoughts, I smiled
With curiosity he looked,thinking he had a clue,a clue of my smile
But nah he doesn't,not  even the tip
Looking  deep down his eye ,I said to myself
It's all in the past and tears should not be shed
lost in search of words he waited curiously.....
I am a lady I began, a lady so pained, hurt and damaged
A lady stripped of her pride and left undignified
Drained in the pool of tears and cared for so less

A lady whose maidenhood was snatched in that big structured house
A lady who laid helplessly and her cries  wasn't heard
A  lady who was subdued by anger, terror and force
Whose feelings were of no concern when he penetrated.
A young lady exposed to the cruelty of the world so early
A lady left to clean up a mess she never started

Left in nudity and defenseless
A lady unlocked with the wrong key and departed looking for extra keys
A lady who refrained from being an addict and had to remain deserted
A lady who never felt love and friendship rather hardship and hatred
Whose heart was never broken but smashed and left unamended
A lady whose hole was turned to well and heart to stone
A lady forever in pain and nothing to gain
All admirers is left afar and never to get closer

A lady whose heart is secured and never to be broken
locked up her heart but felt in the depth of the ocean its key
I am who I choose to be and not who you see

Ajar I found his mouth, looking so pitiful and distressed
I giggled and chuckled in tears

(C )Akande Iqmat
September 10, 2018


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