2015 Election: the Pinnacle of History, Harbinger of Doom

It is the time to rise. It is the time to fall. It is the time to be wise, the time to be foolish, the time to get the pinnacle of history and the time to sit at the pit of the story. Stories; story of life, story of death, story that makes a wife stumbles with the husband due to the spiel that hammer the belly, leaving mouth ajar like a rusty door. This is also the story that will iron the ears that listen to the voice of the air. This time is not strange. This time is queer. It is bizarre to the people who think the other way round while it is run-of-the-mill to those expecting it. The time for our country, the day(s) for our nation-the day we architect our shame or pride, the day of reckoning. The day that determines the fate of Caesar, who rules with power, the day to know the Judas that lures the nation to his pouch, the day to know the right and wrong messiah.

In few days ahead, the general election will be conducted in order to draw the destiny of those aspiring to drink wine in the gourd of power. The gourd of power is always intact; some are still drinking, some want to. The need for this usually leads to fight for power, but as remedy election is at the centre of the market for the commoners and the well beings to decide the next power drunkard. The fate of the one elected determines the fate of the nation. If people, by general concession elect the power drunkard, everyone will partake in cleaning the mess but none can witness paragon until the next electioneering calendar and individual shall know the reason why the anus is not at the centre of the belly. Nevertheless, if also by general concession everyone decides to elect messiah that never know the centre of the table let alone the way wine circulates to quench the thirst of the nation; everyone is still in the same shoe being worn for decades.  Is there any difference between the messiah and the drunkard? But the nation will be fortunate if she changed the garment of the political atmosphere to see the other side of the world.

The good will policy is the hope of every aspiring leader. Though it may be personal, it remains the good will. Those political stalwarts who have drowned in the sea of misappropriation cannot tell you that they lack political good will. Actually, everyone wants to be good. The one being too good to himself is referred to as selfish one. The situation now is those that witnessed the power and those lingering to be there, including those that witnessed and still wants to have the same dream are of the same ambition with different mission. The only thing that the nation has to hope for is fate. As it is being designed, the fate lies in the head-one cannot avoid this. Choosing head is just the harbinger of success or failure-the fate lies in the hand in power. So the fate of this generation is not yet determined until the head known. The head on the street cannot be judged by their size or appearance until being fixed. It is, therefore, expedient for the individual to lower their eyelashes in order to see the colour of the nose.

This is, therefore, the age to unveil the regalia from the masquerade and discover the granite under the blue sea that conceals the bottom of the water. For people to know, the heuristic evidence is there for everyone to gaze forward by looking at the back. History is a good therapy for the memory-the archive to make any substantial claim, while the presence is raw-it is easy to know the difference between the gold and the pebble. If those that witness the past are not in the realm the testimony for the colour of the sky (presently) is quite perspicuous.  The truth about this nation now is that passengers in the ship of the country cannot reach the bank of the river until they rehearse the wise decision before staging the play.

The choice to make is the election. It is not the time for the people in the country to be gullible. It is not the time also for individual to rehearse change in the mind and find it difficult to stage it on the success pavilion. The need to rejuvenate the country is not by making vows-good intention is not the problem of political goliaths in the country. Everyone should not just rest on the chair because the land that withstands it is shaking. Our country is growing old as infant. To sleep with two eyes close in this country is by changing the pajamas of the political atmosphere. It is worthy of note that this change or transformation may be positive or negative. Actually, it is the thumb that determines the end of the means.

In a nutshell, the parlous condition of this country cannot be weighed by the voltage of its doom-because it is like the heaviest load on its carrier. The means to relief this country of her burden is regular reciprocity-by voting. Though our political system is a replica of enslavement, you can suggest one that suits us. This country’s glory or doom hang around your finger-grab it or leave it. 


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