Normally, literature teaches moral; in its
genre, different styles come up to correct mistakes of society. Humans are created
with different kinds of perceptions; the home determines the perspective of
others. Whether good or bad, it will reflect in the life of others around. One
reflects one’s experience to others. Movies, another realm in the literature,
with no end, it has transformed the world beyond imaginative alterations. A
movie tells about the pros and cons of the world, just to make little change
about the existence of humans. Movie serves as the mirror of life today. Many
people, especially the youths take into practice, what they see in the movie
because it is believed that literature is the reflection of life. Is it to
positive or negative, expectation?
It is unfortunate
that many movies we have today neither correct the mistakes of life nor mirror
it positively. If a movies do not centre on love, it appears in the desmid of
crimes. As the critiques of life, to correct the social gaffe, instead, they
lay hands on how to be successful in the faux pas of life, therefore, young
lads growing up today practice what they see on movies. Imagine the stowaway
teenager who hid in the wheel compartment of an Arik Airline Lagos-bound plane
from Benin in August this year? I believe the boy never saw it (how to attempt
stowaway) except through movies.
Movies must be the
a source of happiness—spring for entertainment. Movies on the screen in this
generation are the heart-blowing ones. The movies that make you sock when you
see what your do not expect. In a movies where there is immediate sex as the
comic relief, the hallowed mind is robbed with satanic invocations to engage in
such thing as it is done in the movies, which in normal sense, a comic relief
must be in form of happiness, maybe someone in the first scene striving, just found himself in the oceanic joy—that is
what we know drama for, however, it is the route of corruption now.
Literature, the
mirror of life; drama the reflection of the world, movies the florescent of
human minds. To mirror the world, reflect the life, scan the mind, it must be
the epitome of social change in positive way, like Hubert Ogunde’s theatre, the
world should seen movies as the realm to correct slip-up of life.
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